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Featured Children’s Books

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Featured Video

Marc Morial

During these unprecedented times, Americans are anxious, stressed out, and uncertain about the future. Now—more than ever—we need strong leaders to guide us through. Marc H. Morial, one of our nation’s most transformative leaders, has fought for meaningful change throughout his entire career. As the former mayor of New Orleans and current president and CEO of the National Urban League, he’s offering essential lessons for corporations, sports organization, governments and educational institutions in a time of crisis.

Filled with inspirational anecdotes and action-oriented leadership strategies, Marc explores:.

  • With one canoe, we can avoid the waterfall: Understanding the value of building consensus.
  • A wise man changes, a fool never: A leader recognizes when to modify the plan.
  • Ants versus crabs: How to know when to lead and when to follow.
  • Get ready for the big payback: Don’t get paralyzed by the unexpected.
  • They’re not refugees, dammit! Showing strength through compassion.
  • The best laid plans: Why so many well-intentioned leaders fail to bring their vision to life.”
  • Persistence is always a winning formula: Tips for fighting through disappointments to achieve victory.
  • Know when to hold‘em and when to fold’ em: Key strategies for making decisions a under pressure.

For speaking engagements and strategic partnership opportunities contact: | 888.267-0331

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